Dissection Puzzles

Four ways of triangle to hexagon

After playing around with "dissections" and finding out the first principle involved ("shearing"), I designed my own dissection puzzle:
Try to reassemble the parts below to a hexagon! Click the triangles to get a larger copy for printing.

But shouldn't there be a more symmetric solution? After two weeks I've finally found the following:
Again the seven pieces can be rearranged to a regular hexagon. This puzzle is based on two different tilings!

Greg Frederickson (see the links to his books about dissections below) showed me another solution with 3-fold rotational symmetry!
Again seven pieces. This dissection can even be generalized to any {p}->{2p}!

I was very surprised to find on the Internet another dissection (originally by Harry Lindgren) with only 5 pieces!
Also these five pieces can be rearranged to a regular hexagon!

Dissection links

My interest in dissection puzzles was raised by a nice set of dissection puzzles of Robert Fathauer's www.tesselations.com. They also have a very beautiful puzzle online.

Further links:

Homepage  |  math page  |  Dudney's classical square-to-triangle as a wooden construction  |  partially hinged dissection of dedecagon to square
Last modified: Dec 29, 2007